
We continue our thoughts about how and why we should share the gospel with Chinese people, and what central truths we should emphasize.

Building upon the foundation of the Scriptures as the uniquely inspired and fully authoritative written revelation given to us by God, we must present a clear vision of who God is, what he is like, and what he has done for us.

God Is, and He Can Be Known

We assume that there is a God, and that he can be known. We thus counter the secular beliefs that there is no God. In addition, the Bible confronts atheistic claims that ultimate reality is material and that the spiritual world does not exist.

Furthermore, we confidently insist that this God is a person who can be known to us through his self-revelation in the Scriptures, the image of God in human beings, history, and supremely in Jesus Christ.

We thus confront the skepticism and agnosticism of Confucius and of the Dao De Jing, which opens with the claim that the Dao that can be named is not the true Dao. In contrast to Chinese Buddhism and popular religion, we declare that there is only one God, the eternal Creator of the universe. All other “gods” are the vain inventions of human imagination.

God Is Great, and He is Good

The God of the Bible is the Maker of all things; he is almighty, omniscient, and omnipresent. He is also beautiful, true, and good. The creation is good, and given to us for our stewardship and enjoyment, but not to be worshiped.

As Creator and Lord, God rules the universe through his Word, the eternal Son of God, governing all things, including human events. Not only can he supply us with all that we need, but he orders the happenings in our own lives, for our good and for his glory.

We do not understand all that he does, but we can trust him to do what is right and just.

God Is Holy, Righteous, and Merciful

This great God cannot do wrong. Nor can he tolerate evil. He has consigned Satan and his demons to an eternal hell. He will also punish those who refuse to trust, worship, and submit to him (Romans 1:18-32).

But he is also merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love to all who come to him in humble repentance and faith (Exodus 34:6; Psalm 103:6-18; Luke 15:1-32; 18:9-14; 1 John 1:9).

Over the years, we have found that before Chinese people can truly understand and believe the gospel, they must first have a healthy fear and reverence toward this holy, righteous, and sovereign King. Otherwise, they cannot appreciate the nature and ultimate consequences of sin, or the need for the Son of God to die for them.

Sadly, too much “evangelism” is not really the proclamation of good news to desperately needy sinners, and “conversions” are all too often shallow and temporary. Nor do many believers reverence God as they should. All too often, they see him only as a dispenser of worldly benefits, and become angry with him when he fails to give them what they want.

God Is a Rewarder of Those Who Seek Him (Hebrews 11:6)

At the same time, we encourage all believers to go to God for all their needs, whether spiritual, material, or relational. We have found him to be faithful in providing our “daily bread,” and we can wholeheartedly urge Christians to “take it to the Lord in prayer” at all times.

Our Contribution

Carl Henry provides concise, clear, and biblical discussions of all the major aspects of the doctrine of God in God, Revelation, and Authority. His chapters on the names of God (Volume 2), the Trinity, the knowability of God, creation vs. evolution, and providence (Volumes 5 & 6) are especially brilliant. That is why I am so thankful that the Chinese edition of my abridgment of his great work is now available.

In Truth and Life: Doctrinal and Ethical Notes on the Bible, I place great emphasis on what each passage tells us about God. Books — China Institute (reachingchineseworldwide.org).

Please pray that these books will have a wide influence.