The goal of God’s working in history, Paul tells us, is to “bring all things together under one head, even Christ.”

What do we see when we read the newspaper, watch the news, listen to our friends, or peer into our own hearts? Conflict. Enmity. Strife. War. Revolution. Separation. Secession. Divorce. Estrangement. Misunderstanding.

With rare exceptions, we do not see unity, harmony, peace. To the contrary, we find ourselves in a broken, fractured world, striving to keep the scattered parts of our life together, or to re-assemble the shattered pieces. We long for intimacy with others, an end to our isolation. We ache for races and peoples at war with each other, and cry out for peace.

At an even deeper level, we yearn for a closer relationship with God. We would like to sing our hymns of praise with more conviction, and to sense God’s peace more fully.

When Paul reveals to us God’s plan, therefore, his words fall like dew upon a parched and thirsty land. Let’s review what he tells us:

God’s plan is to bring unity to this broken world. Unity of two types: Unity with God and with other men.

Your Part in God's Plan: Essays on Ephesians

Your Part in God's Plan: Essays on Ephesians


Your Part in God's Plan: Essays on Ephesians


A brief examination of key themes in Paul's life, beginning with an overall view of God's will for each of us, followed by ways in which we can know and serve God as our Father.

Pages: 80


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